Saturday, 21 May 2011

A New Baby Cake

Cake is 2 madeira cakes filled and stacked.  Covered with baby blue sugarpaste.  Stork and clouds cut using patchwork cutters and stork coloured by painting and use of lustre dust (pearl ivory).  Beading piped round the base and message piped on (freehand) in royal icing.  My best piece of work so far I think.

Intermediate Course - College Project 1 - Piped Basket and flowers

Basket made using sugarpaste template raised and dried hard. Then basketweave piped on top and decorated with flowers cut using blossom and calyx cutters.  Leaves piped individually (they're a bit rubbish).

Assorted Cupcakes

Assorted Cupcakes.  Topped with sugarpaste and decorated with designs made from Mexican Modelling Paste using Patchwork cutters.  Some sprayed with lustre spray or lustre dusts